Are we like planets?
Formed from bits of stardust,
drawn toward each other like so many
grains of sand?
Do we orbit each other in a pre-ordained,
Galilean/Newtonian cosmic embrace
that comfirms the presence of
Or is it chance? The coincidental alignment of
person, place and time?
Is it simply the act of accretion
that binds you, I, us together?
Are we merely the product of an immutible
Universal Law?
The result of a time tested hypothesis
of human desire?
What is our nature?
Is it chaos? Disorder created out
of our teachings, tropes and theories?
What knowledge do we gleen from
Our soul crucibles?
Where you and I apart,
have ground hope and time
into the dust that is failed
Unkowns stacked upon unsolved mysteries.
Yet I do know this;
For good or ill,
Fated or chance,
I find myself within the pull
of your core.
Drawn into the warm ambit of the
life giving daystar that is
your heart.